North Dakota Department of Human Services Extended Services Program


Forms To Download

Consumer Satisfaction Survey

Disability Info Gateway

Over 160 online disability resources

Waiting for Services

Current stats of people waiting for services
A great many individuals across North Dakota are gainfully employed despite having a disability. However, some of them need ongoing support services in order to remain employed. The State of North Dakota's Extended Services (ES) program makes long-term support services available to persons with disabilities who work in community-based employment settings. The goal of the program is either regular or customized employment at minimum or prevailing wages with ordinary benefits or else self-employment. Integration and interaction with individuals without disabilities is assured under the ES program.

The program is administered and managed by Rocky Mountain Rehab, P.C. (RMR) of Billings, Montana under a contract with the North Dakota Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Division. Extended Services are currently provided by fifteen independent community rehabilitation providers across the state. You may contact them for more information about the services they provide.

How the ES Program Works

Program Instructions explain how to access services provided under the Extended Services program. An explanation of the Status Codes and Disability Codes used throughout the ES website identify different circumstances and impairments that Extended Services consumers face. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions can help you find solutions to common problems.
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This project is funded in part under a contract with the North Dakota Department of Human Services. The statements herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the department. Terms of Service.
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